Weight Loss: The Struggle is Real

I was always very thin. Skinny. Scrawny. Lanky even. However you describe it. In high school I was 6'1" and 135 lbs. In college I bulked up to 150 lbs. Unfortunately I inherited my family's genes and my metabolism quickly dropped after college. I packed on the pounds, and by the time I turned 30, I was over 220. Disgusted with what I had become, I dieted & exercised 50lbs of that away, down to 170 by the time I was 31. I was so happy!! Sadly though, I returned to some old habits, and the weight slowly came back. Before I realized it I was back up to 220. I worked that back just under 200, but it kept coming back.

When I was young I could eat whatever I wanted, and as much as I wanted. I never gained a pound. I was in great physical shape, but my eating habits were atrocious. Sadly those same eating habits would come back to bite me. Not only that, but I work a stressful job. Some people can't eat when they're stressed. I binge.

This year I decided enough was enough. I had to do something, anything, to break the cycle. After a year of research and watching some close friends and family members have huge success, I decided to start the Ideal Protein diet. I'm not writing this to sell it on anyone, or to defend my choices, just explaining what I'm going through.

My starting weight on Jan 10, 2018 was 228 lbs. I can hide the weight well, but I know that it's not healthy. Not only did I inherit a slow metabolism, but also a serious heart condition. I don't want to die young! 9 days into the diet and I'm down to 214.2. Still a long way to go to my goal of 170, but at least it's a huge step in the right direction.

I've lost 3" across my chest, 1.5 in my waist, and 1" in my thighs. All in a week.

I'm struggling with the diet... My busy schedule means it takes a lot of advance planning and a lot of discipline. But I'm getting through it. They say the first week is the hardest, and that's already behind me. Please wish me luck!


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