What's that under there?

So by now you all know I'm a crossdresser. I struggle with gender identity and still don't know where exactly I land in the whole gender spectrum. I dress as a means to express my femininity. I dress because most days that's how I feel inside. I dress because I feel pretty when dressed.

Unfortunately life gets in the way, and I very rarely get the chance to fully transform. That's OK. I do, however, dress in lingerie almost every day under my 'male' clothes. Bras, panties, sometimes garter belts & stockings, sometimes pantyhose. Always shaved smooth, sometimes with painted toenails, sometimes with an anklet or toe rings.

I guess I get to express my femininity daily, and that really helps. Even if nobody knows what I'm wearing under my Levis. And yes, everyone would be shocked. :o)


  1. i sometimes feel the same way, and can certainly relate. Although i don't consider myself "trans", or even feminine (i really do hate labels), crossdressing does make me feel feminine. And feeling feminine turns me on! Where do i fit in the gender spectrum? Who knows... Again, hate labels. i'm happy, my Wife is happy, and life is good.

    But yeah... everyone would be shocked if they knew what was under my clothes most days ;)

    1. Labels suck, but they do serve a purpose. I hate to be pigeon-holed, or painted with a broad brush, but sometimes a simple label can give a vague sense of what's going on. I believe I have more gender identity issues than you.It's not a good or a bad thing, it just is. I'm happy with being a man though, even if I wish I wasn't. It's complicated. lol


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