Leg garter fail!

 Hey! I know it's been a long time... Sorry for not being around much but I just haven't had a lot to say. I'm trying to change that though, so here's some new content for you. :)

A while back I bought some cute leg garters on Amazon. They're cheap Chinese things, but I liked how they looked and decided I had to have them. But they've sat in my lingerie drawer for ages now. I was getting dressed this morning and decided to give them a go.

All was well, until about 10:00 this morning when I got up to get a drink. Walking back to my office and I felt one of the garters suddenly get loose, and the stocking slip down my leg. Thankfully I didn't have far to walk!

Anyway, I now know why they were so cheap. Crappy materials and they're just glued together. So unless I can repair these, into the bin they go. Oh well, they were cute while they lasted!!


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